The nine types of women men are fed up of matching with on dating apps

Black Coffee
3 min readAug 22, 2021

In today’s world, dating apps have become a viable way for people to meet and date. It’s convenient and easy and is perfect for people living a busy lifestyle. I’m personally not a fan, check my last article to find out why, but I can see the attraction.

The problem is: Research has shown that the bottom 80% of men on dating apps, which are basically the men who don’t fit into the three sixes category. Six figures, six-packs, six feet tall are competing for the bottom 22% of women. These are the most common types of women you’ll run into and most fit into the 80%.

1. The “no hook-ups” woman
The “no hook-ups” woman has had her fun, and now she’s getting older wants to settle down, which means no fun for you, the “no hook-ups” woman is normally in her late 20s and feels the clock is ticking, so she wants as good a man as she can get.

The “no hookups” woman has high expectations and feels entitled to the top 20% guy as that’s the guy she’s been having fun with, the problem is these types of guys would never settle with her, so now she’s a bit angry and jaded with men.

2. The “one-word response” woman
The “one-word response” woman is only on the dating app for entertainment, and you’re the entertainment, she wants to be…

