She’s for the streets
Maybe she is, but why isn’t she in the streets with you? Black Coffee explains why.
If you’ve been around long enough, you must have heard the term “She’s for the streets”. If you haven’t, you must have been hiding under a rock for some time. “She’s for the streets” is another way for men, primarily in the red pill movement, like the term 304, to call a woman a hoe.
Yet what I'm confused about is, if all these women are for the streets or hoes, why are there so many incels and guys getting passports and going overseas to basically trick?
And then there’s the body count issue.
I have no problem with the red pill movement apart, but the obsession with women's body count, (men women have slept with) is ridiculous.
The men within the movement and a lot of men in general seem to think that if a woman has had sex with a lot of guys, she's tarnished goods and is more likely to cheat in a relationship as they have issues bonding with a long-term partner.
What's funny is, the same thing according to them doesn't affect men, yet with all these women having sex, none of these women seems to be having sex with the guys who talk the most about these things.