How men can stop being simps

Being a simp is never a good thing. Black Coffee explains why and gives tips on how to break the cycle.

Black Coffee
4 min readSep 27, 2021

A simp isn't a gentleman, he's a man who forfeits his integrity to get a woman. A gentleman has integrity. A man who lacks integrity can't be trusted, which is why simps repel healthy women and annoy men with integrity.

Simps are men who say and do everything a woman wants in the hopes of gaining her affection, even if it is detrimental to themselves.

If you're a man and fear you might be a simp. Here are some ways to stop.

Develop integrity
Developing integrity is important because it’s your code of how to live. It’s doing what you feel is right, regardless of what society or the woman you like thinks. If she doesn’t agree, fine, but being able to walk away shows power on your part and shows you’re a strong man. Be a man of your word. A man with integrity means what he says and says what he means. If you say something, stick to it. If you’re wrong, then own up to it, people might not like you, but they respect you for it.

Have a purpose in life
When you have a purpose in life, you don't look for validation from women or look for them to save your life. You become more confident and have something…



Black Coffee
Black Coffee

Written by Black Coffee

Strong, black, sometimes bitter, but good for you

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