Am I good enough?

Black Coffee breaks down the seven biggest insecurities among men and explains what they can do about them.

Black Coffee
5 min readJan 18, 2022

Everyone is insecure about something to a certain degree, and with the rise of social media it seems to be getting worse.

According to social media, you have to be a high-value man and live your best life. You have to have the money, the abs, be an entrepreneur and have the hottest woman.

But what if you don't have all these things?

Here is a list of the top insecurities men have and what you can do about them

1.What if I get fired?
A big insecurity men have is job security, with many worrying if they’re going to lose their job which may leave them broke.

Solution-Become invaluable. How do you become invaluable, always do more than you're given. Always come on time or beforehand. Ask questions.

Finish all projects as soon as you're given them. Read an hour a day about your profession, so you're up to speed in your industry and start thinking about a side hustle, so you can eventually be your own boss whether it's in the same field or something else, and always remember you represent yourself.

